Shire of Ashburton


About the Partnership

The Shire of Ashburton owned and operated Onslow Aquatic Centre in partnership with Onslow School and Onslow Police are proud supporters of this policy to support positive school attendance.


Under the ‘Go to School, Go to the Pool’ Policy, the Pool Managers of Onslow Aquatic Centre are required to deny entry to the centre by a student under the following conditions;

  • They are of school age and are enrolled at Onslow Primary School
  • It is during normal school hours and a normal school day and the student is not wearing the correct school issued wristband

The Pool Managers have authority to approve entry to the centre for extenuating circumstances, such as approved Home School students and students visiting from other areas.


Students from outside of town are not restricted by these constraints, as at times families will come to Onslow for funerals, holidays etc. who are not expected to attend school.


Onslow School asks that should school aged children access the pool during these hours that they have their names taken and passed onto the school for follow-up and potential enrolment if parents are happy to do so.

For more info