Onslow School is proud to partner with the Shire of Ashburton to implement the “Go to School, Go to the Pool” strategy with the aim of improving school wide attendance.
How does it work?
- Onslow School students will not be permitted to enter the Onslow Aquatic Centre during school hours on any normal school day.
- During the hours of 2.15pm – 8.00pm on weekdays, students will require a school issued wrist band to enter the Onslow Aquatic Centre.
- Students who will or may go to the Onslow Aquatic Centre that day will receive a wrist band from their classroom teacher before leaving school.
- If a student has a pre-arranged, authorised absence but would like to access the Onslow Aquatic Centre during the Go to School, Go to the Pool period, parents can contact the school to collect a wrist band in advance.
It is important to know that any prior arrangement for a wristband is through the school NOT pool management and is made by the parent/carer.
We thank the Shire of Ashburton for working with the school to support attendance at school.